Episode 38: Flor de Cana 4

5 Minutes of Rum episode 38: Flor de Cana 4, brandy, Sippin Safari, the Kamehameha Rum Punch and the Island Mai Tai.

5 Minutes of Rum: Episode 38
Kevin Upthegrove

Kamehameha Rum Punch
1 oz light Puerto Rican rum (Flor de Cana 4)
2 oz pineapple juice
1/2 oz lemon juice
1 tsp blackberry brandy
1 tsp grenadine
1 tsp simple syrup
1 oz dark Jamaican rum (Coruba)

Fill a collins glass with crushed ice. Add all ingredients except the dark Jamaican rum and stir until the glass frosts over. Float the dark Jamaican rum on top. A traditional Hawaiian garnish would be a pineapple wedge and a cherry. A spring of mint is usually a safe bet for most tropicals as well.

If substituting blackberry liqueur for blackberry brandy, omit the simple syrup and increase the light rum to 1 1/4 oz.

Island Mai Tai
1 1/2 oz silver puerto rican rum (Flor de Cana 4)
1 1/2 oz orange juice
1 1/2 oz pineapple juice
1/2 oz lime juice
1/2 oz simple syrup
Shake with ice cubes, pour unstrained into double old-fashioned glass. Float dark rum on top (Coruba). Garnish with a pineapple chunk.