Episode 63: Ron Cartavio Selecto
5 Minutes of Rum episode 63: Ron Cartavio Selecto, apricot brandy, and the Fugu (for 2).
Fugu (for 2) in a Munktiki fugu mug.
Some of Tiki Farm's fugu mugs.
Fugu mugs from (left to right): Tiki tOny, Eekum Bookem, and Doug Horne.
Fugu pin by Grider.
Fugu (for 2)
1 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
2 oz unsweetened pineapple juice
1 oz passion fruit syrup
1 oz orgeat
1 oz apricot brandy / liqueur (Luxardo Apricot)
1 oz column still lightly aged rum (Flor de Cana 4)
3 oz blended aged rum (Ron Cartavio Selecto)
Blend with 2 cups of crushed ice for 15-20 seconds. Pour unstrained into a fugu mug or other large vessel. Add two straws and share.
Note: this recipe is easily cut in half for a single serving. Additional note: I sometimes omit the orgeat because of a transcription error and the drink still works without it. The passion fruit makes things plenty sweet.
Fugu (for 2), as originally published by SFGate
1 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
2 oz unsweetened pineapple juice
1 oz passion fruit syrup
1 oz orgeat
1 oz apricot brandy
1 oz vodka
3 oz amber rum
Combine all ingredients in a blender with two cups of cracked ice and pulse for one or two seconds. Pour into a fugu bowl and add more cracked ice to fill.