Let's talk soon

Hi. It’s no secret to followers of this program that over the last couple of years, I haven’t produced a lot of episodes. There’s at least 17 reasons for that, none of which are particularly important enough to get into at this time. I guess in short I wasn’t sure what else I had to say on the topic. Was I just repeating myself? Had I come up with a decent original recipe in the the last 6 months, and did that even matter? Oh right. I said I wouldn’t get into it right now. Ask me sometime in person, if you’re really curious.

But a funny thing happened recently. Everything got weird. And stressful. And uncertain. I feel like I’m coping, but there’s a tendency to look for comfortable patterns when everything else is unpredictable.

As we’ve been preparing to hunker down here in Rum-and-Sewing Central, tikival had a suggestion (one that was backed up by others). She put forth that in times like these, where people aren’t going out as much as usual (or going out at all), it may be nice to have something to listen to. Something to mix cocktails to. A virtual hangout to go to, if even for a short time. Goodness knows I have my own go-to shows for when I need a break from real life.

Some I’m once again tasting. And once again writing. And soon I’ll once again be recording. There’s no production schedule, but as always, when an episode is ready I’ll release it. And then the next one, as soon as it’s ready. And so on.

Please be safe out there. Let’s talk soon.